@KTzone » 數碼 - Android綜合討論 » 數碼 - Android Games » 華麗的投擲 遊戲 --砸罐子2代Can Knockdown 2 v1.0

2011-3-24 09:28 bunnylai
華麗的投擲 遊戲 --砸罐子2代Can Knockdown 2 v1.0

【遊戲介紹 Game Description】
數百萬的 用戶 不會錯! 2010畫面精美的小遊戲《砸罐子(Can Knockdown)》出2了——《砸罐子2(Can Knockdown 2)》!
iDreams不愧是創意大廠! 從帆船,到陶器,都獨一無二。 遊戲Can Knockdown,雖說是已經被用爛的砸罐子 主題 ,經過iDreams之手效果簡直可以媲美Zen Bound 2,遊戲中,玩家用手指控制小球,向上輕掃 屏幕 發球,用有限的球把架子上的全部罐子打下來即可獲勝。 遊戲光影效果非常華麗,整個遊戲的建模,色彩都細膩之極,而且當玩家一球擊倒所有罐子後,還會有慢動作特寫,相當給力!

Knock this Can again! Can ya?
Millions of players can't be wrong! The most addicting title of 2010 strikes back with new astonishing levels and even more precise sniper action! Once again your aiming skills will be put to test but this time more challenges await! Can Knockdown 2 is the ultimate sequel you've been wishing for - 3 amazing and rewarding game modes which will keep you playing all night long, high-resolution eye-catching gorgeous 3D graphics, full Open Feint support, true to life physics, realistic sounds and so much more !
Fight against your own weaknesses while aiming and throwing balls at piles of cans in the improved and polished all time classic Can Knockdown! Prove your accuracy by destroying popping-up moving targets and fight against time in the new "hit-the-target" mode ! Show off your skills and impress your friends while collecting bonuses and knocking down cans moving on a conveyor! Can Knockdown 2 is like three top-notch games in one - it will keep you, your family and friends hooked for months to come! Get this new iDreams title now and lose yourself in a world of addictive gameplay, amazing physics and global competition! Definitely a must have in your games collection!

【系統要求 System Requirements】
Android 2.1及以上

【遊戲圖片 Game Screenshots】




【APK下載連結 Download】
[url=http://hotfile.com/dl/111347256/a1a404f/Can_Knockdown_2_v1.00.exe.html][color=#0000ff]http://hotfile.com/dl/111347256/ ... wn_2_v1.00.exe.html[/color][/url]

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